Discrete Mathematics

Course Code
ECTS Credits
2nd Semester
Course Category

Core courses

Core courses

Core Courses
Course Description

Course contents: Rudiments of Mathematical Logic & Set Theory: propositional logic, elements of first-order logic, the algebra of sets, finite and infinite sets, cardinality and Cantor’s diagonal methods. Proof methods: mathematical induction (strong induction and wellordering principle), diagonalization, reductio ad absurdum. Relations and Functions: Cartesian product, binary and n-ary relations, functions, lattices and partial orders, equivalence and congruence relations. Combinatorics: rules of sum and product, combinations and permutations (with/without repetition), balls in urns, inclusion/exclusion principle, pigeonhole principle. Rudiments of Graph Theory: graph species, Euler & Hamilton graphs and trails, planar graphs, graph coloring, matching theorems, elements of Ramsey Theory. Trees: trees and rooted trees, applications, Huffman codes. Depending on the progress, number theory and the basics of algorithm analysis can be touched upon.


Assessment: Written exams (70%) at the end of the semester and exercises (30%), where the weights may be changed by ±10%.